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Light Fiction - Blade Dancer

Hi everyone! Something a little bit different today :3 A thought popped into my head about the similarities between certain things and I was like "surely someone's already written light fiction or something about this" and evidently not ~ So if you're interested in some vvv short light fiction, enjoy!  What comes to mind when you conjure the image of a blade? Holy warriors bravely smiting evil? Armored infantry ruthlessly enforcing laws? Leatherbound barbarian cleaving through hordes of undead? Sharpened steel covered in acrid stagnant blood? "So you're a warrior?" they ask, pointing at the blade at my hip. "Something like that, yes." Better not to complicate thing. "How many monsters you kill? The big ones." It's always about body count in these taverns. "24. Unless we're counting captures?" They're not. They are impressed though, in their own crude way. Always asking about the gory details. Guess there's a

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