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INHERITORS - Hacking My Friend's Game

This is going to be (kind of) a short one, but I wanted to share something I've been chipping away at recently. Friend of the blog (and housemate) Duff once ran a very cool little Mad Max inspired game Hell's Highway for me (twice actually) and recently I decided it'd be a good idea to mash that up with my hyper fixation on my current game of the year Stellar Blade . So here we are... The first making of post for Inheritor s. Duff's got a talent for Ruleslite games with just enough crunch, but with this I wanted to give it a lot of my own flair ((while still preserving the stellar and simple vehicle combat)). Specifically adapting a sense of "stylish action" combo-esc combat onto a rules-liter NSR framework that he'd built. Thus Flow was born, a way that you can pre-roll Dice at the start of the round and choose to spend them on offense, defense or a variety of other effects! My challenge to myself was to distill all the rules ((including numerous chang

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