Micro-Blog - Write to Inspire

OK OK - We're really trying to hit the 3 paragraph microblog this time I promise! Been thinking a lot about the game book as an artifact, and I think (personally) both for player and GM, I don't write books to provide airtight low-trust systems. Instead I write to inspire (same with these blog posts really!)

I think bespoke homebrew will always hit harder than  anything written, so instead I try to make (1) mechanics are that are fun (and fun to steal) (2) worlds that pique interests and leave enough blank space for GMs to put their own spin on things (3) systems that directly ask questions to both player and GM to get imaginative juices flowing.

Perhaps the popularity of more "vibes based" games (or even of D&D in general) can in some way be contributed less to system writing, but rather to an ethos that inspires beyond the rules text. The 10 pages of ads and roadshow photos at the back of DDC made me want to pick up the book more than any of the writing in it, because it felt inspiring! I think this is partially why art is so important as inspirational tinder.

That was 3 paragraphs and I feel like I didn't say much of anything ~ We're working on it, but hey maybe this inspired some naissant TTRPG takes within you!


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